Lightyears Collection
Mon Parfum

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Mon Parfum, by Bourjois

Mon Parfum, by Bourjois

Mon Parfum was introduced by Bourjois in 1924, the year in which Chanel introduced Cuir de Russie. Gabrielle Chanel, with perfumer Ernest Beaux, had, in the space of three years, produced three top-notch fragrances that were making waves — No. 5, No. 22 and Cuir de Russie.

Chanel's success was not lost on the owners of Bourjois. By the end of the year (1924), Ernest Beaux had become the director of Bourjois's laboratory and Parfums Chanel was 90 percent owned by the owners of Bourjois.

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  • James Bennett, 11/02/2022. Your date for Mon Parfum is incorrect. It should be 1922.

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Philip Goutell's Signature

Philip Goutell
Lightyears, Inc.